Salto Ostacoli: infortunio per Cassio Rivetti

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Durante il GP del CSI5* di scena al Brussels Stephex Masters, Cassio Rivetti ha riportato una brutta frattura ad una gamba in seguito ad una caduta da cavallo sul numero 8 del percorso.

Il cavaliere ucraino è stato trasportato in ambulanza fuori dal campo ed è stato portato immediatamente in ospedale per ulteriori controlli.

Dopo l’operazione a cui si è dovuto sottoporre, scrive sul suo blog:

“Dear friends,

I had a peaceful night after a successful surgery on the leg I broke jumping the GP of Stephex Master with my horse, Torgal de Virton.

Recovery shall take some months which I will dedicate to spend quality time with my loved ones, recharging the batteries for my return.

Thanks to all and each one of you for the many messages and positive thoughts. Very appreciated! Special thanks to Brussels Stephex Master and its incredible medical team as well as the whole staff at UZ Brussels hospital.

Thanks also to all my sponsors and fans for standing on my side in a such hard moment of my career. Congrats Stephan Conter for putting together a great show. Well done!

I will be back soon doing what I love the most, riding and jumping.

Your friend

Cassio Rivetti”