Badminton Horse Trials: cancellata l’edizione 2020

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A seguito delle restrizioni attuate a causa dell’epidemia di COVID-19 che sta mettendo l’intero mondo in ginocchio, è stato deciso di annullare l’edizione 2020 di Badminton Horse Trials.

Rimandato al 2021, quindi, uno degli eventi di Completo più attesi dal grande pubblico.

Questo è un momento senza precedenti e la sicurezza di tutti coloro che partecipano e che sono coinvolti nell’organizzazione di Badminton rimane la nostra priorità numero uno.” è possibile leggere sul Comunicato Stampa.

“Ci scusiamo inoltre per il ritardo nel rendere pubblico questo annuncio. Badminton Horse Trials vorrebbe poi cogliere l’occasione per ringraziare e augurare a tutti gli atleti (umani ed equini), sponsor, espositori, sostenitori e volontari ogni bene durante questo difficile periodo. Non vediamo l’ora di dare il bentornato a tutti all’evento del 2021!


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*Cancellation Statement* Following the Government’s COVID-19 public health restrictions and its statement that emergency services are withdrawn from supporting mass gatherings from Tuesday 17th March, we are sorry to announce it is no longer possible to stage Badminton Horse Trials between the 6th and 10th May in any capacity. This cancellation also includes the @sciencesupplementscup . This is an unprecedented and challenging time for everyone and the health and safety of all those that attend and are involved with Badminton remains our number one priority. Please be assured that Badminton Horse Trials operates a refund policy and we will be in contact shortly with more information on how these will be processed accordingly. We apologise for the delay in making this announcement but are grateful to our insurance brokers and underwriters for their support and co-operation at this busy time. Badminton Horse Trials would like to take this opportunity to thank and wish all of the athletes (human and equine), sponsors, exhibitors, supporters and volunteers well through this challenging time. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the 2021 event.

Un post condiviso da Badminton Horse Trials (@bhorsetrials) in data: