Fine carriera sportiva per Oak Grove’s Heartfelt

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Harm Lahde ha deciso di ritirare dalle gare la sua Oak Grove’s Heartfelt (Heartbreaker x Rubens du Ri d’Asse).

In futuro, Oak Grove’s Heartfelt, verrà impiegata nell’allevamento.

Fino al 2016, prima di passare a Harm Lahde, Oak Grove’s Heartfelt è scesa in campo gara insieme a Rolf-Göran Bengtsson. Insieme a Harm Lahde, ha ottenuto ottimi risultati in numerosi CSI tra cui quelli di Groß Viegeln, Zandhoven, Redefin, Francoforte, Mannheim e Lier solo per citarne alcuni.



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Dear Heartfelt, Wow, where should I start?! I owe you so much, without you I would not be anywhere close to where I am now! You taught me so many lessons, carried me around many familiar international rings and helped me to some great success! 🥈in the 3*GP of Zandhoven and Neumünster, 🥉in the 3*GP of Redefin, 5th in the 4*GP of Groß Viegeln, just to name some. Thank you for all the incredible moments in and outside the course! You gave me goosebumps more than once and I’ll never be able to give everything you gave me back to you! I’ll miss taking you to shows, entering the ring and crossing the finish line with you! 🏁 Happy retirement, Hearti, you are one of a kind! 🙏🏼 Thanks to everyone involved in her journey @cth_sporthorses , @jessi.distler , @julia_caprichoso & @kkarstroem !

Un post condiviso da @ harm_lahde in data: