Fine carriera sportiva per Capital Don Cumarco

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Lo stallone BWP di 17 anni Capital Don Cumarco (da Cavalor Cumano) è arrivato alla fine della sua carriera sportiva.

Ad annunciarlo, Capital Stud tramite social media.

Capital Don Cumarco ha avuto una brillante carriera sportiva sotto la sella dell’amazzone sudafricana Nicole Horwood.

Tra i migliori risultati di questo eccezionale stallone grigio spiccano quattro vittorie del Derby, la vittoria nella Triple Crown e nella Presidents Cup.



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TIME TO SAY GOODBYE One of the greatest showjumpers of our time! The only horse to have ever won the Derby 4 times, Only horse to have won the Triple Crown, Amongst many other titles he is also the defending champion of this year Presidents Cup!! C A P I T A L D O N C U M A R C O ……. it is with mixed emotions today, that we announce the retirement of our legendary, dazzling grey stallion DC. We owe so much to this incredible athlete, character and icon of equestrian sport. We will miss the dream partnership that Nicole and DC had and shared every time they stepped into the ring but we are happy to have him enjoying the grass and beautiful fields as he retires at Summer Hill. We will be giving him a fitting ceremony at the South African Showjumping Champs in Shongweni 2020, but for now we would love you to spend a few moments remembering how this horse has changed our lives…. Nicole Horwood Henning Pretorius #CapitalStud #CapitalDonCumarco #showjumping

Un post condiviso da Capital Stud (@capitalstud) in data:

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