Rio2016: Jeroen Dubbeldam sarà il portabandiera dell’Olanda

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Jeroen Dubbeldam sarà il portabandiera dell’Olanda durante la cerimonia di apertura delle Olimpiadi di Rio 2016 che si terrà questa sera allo stadio Maracanà alle ore 00:20 (secondo il nostro fuso orario).

I think it is a great honor to be representing Team Netherlands in this way. I am very proud to be carrying the flag in the name of 242 athletes,” Jeroen Dubbeldam stated proudly after being named as Dutch flag bearer. “In addition, it is a great recognition for the Dutch equestrian sport as well. But at the Olympic games, you represent your whole country, the entire Team NL.

Il Capo spedizione Maurits Hendriks ha speso delle bellissime parole su Jeroen, riguardo all’avere il cavaliere come portabandiera: “Jeroen is a very special sportsman of a rare kind. A true figurehead for the Dutch sport. He plays an important role within his sport and has achieved everything on a world-wide level. I am very proud to announce Jeroen Dubbeldam as our flag bearer.