Badminton Horse Trials: l’edizione 2021 sarà a porte chiuse

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L’edizione 2021 di Badminton Horse Trials si svolgerà a porte chiuse.

L’organizzazione ha annunciato tramite social che: “Dopo molte discussioni è stata presa la decisione di organizzare a porte chiuse l’edizione 2021 di Badminton Horse Trials, ma teniamo aperta la possibilità di far accedere un numero limitato di spettatori se, in primavera, le restrizioni ci consentiranno di farlo.

Nei prossimi mesi tutto sarà sotto costante revisione e terremo tutti aggiornati con le ultime notizie e gli sviluppi tramite il blog, i nostri social media ed il sito web“.



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Badminton Horse Trials news: 2021 event to Run Behind Closed Doors. After much deliberation the decision has been taken to run the Badminton Horse Trials 2021 event “Behind Closed Doors” but with the potential to include a limited number of spectators should, come the spring, guidelines/restrictions allow us to do so. All will be under constant review in the coming months and we will keep our loyal supporters and the eventing community posted with latest news and developments throughout the coming months via the Director’s blog, social media and website. Our overriding priority will continue to be the health and safety of all those involved in staging the event. Event Director Jane Tuckwell said “We realise that this is not the scenario everyone would wish for but feel by announcing our intentions now it will give all involved in whatever capacity the opportunity to plan accordingly. To deliver the “Behind Closed Doors” event will not be without its challenges, but we look forward to bringing you a great competition in partnership with Science Supplements and Mars Equestrian”. With the event running “Behind Closed Doors” we would like to ensure that everyone is still able to enjoy all the live competition action via TV/Live Stream and further news will be released on this in due course. . . . #BadmintonHorseTrials #BadmintonHorseTrials2021 #BadmintonHorseTrialsNews #eventing #eventingnews

Un post condiviso da Badminton Horse Trials (@bhorsetrials) in data:

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